

Hi, it’s Mike Johnson & Matt Garrett here again.

First, if you already have a Cloud VPS or Dedicated Server you are good to go, you DON'T Need This!

If NOT, then pay attention, I'm about to share the dirty little secret about Reseller & Shared Web Hosting.

It's easy to assume that once you've taken care of your own site security, you're all good!

BUT it's NOT that simple...

With shared hosting, if a hacker gets in to another site on the same server, they can usually get access to most, if not ALL, of the other sites on that server!

Yes, that means you are reliant on every other website on the same server also being locked down and secure...

And with hundreds, or possibley THOUSANDS of site on the same webserver, what's the odds on that being true?


Get Secure Hosting With Verfied Blog Defender Customers

It's all about your Neighborhood ...

To get your own 'Gated Community' when it comes to hosting means a Cloud VPS or Dedicated Server at $50 to $100+ PER MONTH!

That's a BIG commitment when you're just getting your business going...

So HERE'S YOUR Chance to host your site on Our Blog Defender Verified Members Only Dedicated Server -

AND we're STRICTLY limiting the numbers of SITES per server, to make sure you're in a Good Neighborhood, AND NOT Over Loaded!


...Keeping the numbers down makes sure you get the FULL Benefit of blistering fast dedicated server speeds...

IN FACT, Customers Can ONLY Qualify If -


  • A: We've Setup Their Blog Security For Them
  • - OR -
  • B: We've been given access to their site to Verify they have suitable WP Blog Security Protocols Setup & Configured CORRECTLY!

This is our Private Community of Webmasters LIKE YOU!

Webmasters who see the value in keeping their sites secure, and knowing their neighbors Do The Same.

Get Security, Speed & Peace of Mind,

With Verfied Members Secure Hosting!

I have to state that this is a VERY LIMITED OFFER, and spaces will go quickly - we have to keep the numbers down, both to keep the speed up AND to make sure we can verify ALL customers are secure...

When it comes to WordPress security our team know what they're doing, with a wealth of experience from providing plugins support to tens of thousands of customers over the last decade, and we usually charge upwards of $500 per year for private hosting...

This ONE TIME Offer is at a massive discount to that to help you get up and running ASAP with hosting you can rely on AND trust.

This is not a service we usually offer, and once the available server spaces are taken the offer WILL BE Closed.

And IF we bring it back it will be a our usual, higher rate...

Get Our Private Verified Customer Hosting For Your Site ASAP!

We’re 100% Committed To Helping You
Experience The Success You Deserve!

If you want our help to make absolutely sure you get the most out of Blog Defender, then this is your chance…

Commission our hosting to help keep your site up and running...

And if you take advantage of this special offer today, we’ll even give you extra feedback on your blog's overall health…

There’s Just One Catch…


The launch discount is only available right here on this page today.

Be aware - if you leave and decide you do need this service later, you can contact support to see if there are still slots available, but the discount will be gone.


Sorry, but we can't offer our usual satisfaction guarantee on this service as it involves real services and resources from our team to setup the hosting, so please be sure you are happy for us to have access to your WordPress blog to verify your security is in place before ordering!

Note #1: The service covers hosting FOR ONE SITE for One Year, and can be renewed yearly. It is NOT setup as a recurring payment, it will be YOUR CHOICE to continue.

Note #2: The service does not include the registration & setup of third party services, or guarantees on bandwidth, uptime etc outside of what we get from our dedicated server provider.

Note #3: We will take full backups before and after we start work on your site, so you have multiple roll back points.

The decision is yours - Blog Defender's detailed, practical and easy to follow step-by-step tutorial videos show you how to secure your blog, but if you want real peace of mind that comes from being on a server with other SECURED Websites, then this is your chance...

ACT NOW because...

… As we said this special offer is very time limited.

It’s only available from this page, today!

And you will certainly not see everything included at this low a price... ever again!

So take action today and...

Click The Button Below To Claim Your Launch Discount & Use
Our Blog Defender Verified Customer Secure Hosting
For Your Site For Just $97 Today!

Blog Defender Verified Members Hosting

P.S. Successful Businesses know when to choose the best resources, having peace of mind is beyond value!

P.P.S. You Must Take Action Now - before it's too LATE! If you leave this page and attempt to come back later, this $97 One-Time-Offer will be gone forever! Your IP is registered and it is not possible to get access to this page again. I can only guarantee that it is still available right this very second. Don't delay!

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